Many companies use multiple different ingredients in their batches...
Small component systems and dosing systems are the answer to this challenge. Each component is simply assigned its own container/hopper, to which a dosing tool and a transport solution are then attached, ensuring that the system only needs to be kept filled. This allows production to run smoothly.
Sometimes only the smallest of the components are included in such a single solution, and then the solution is called 'small component systems'. However, this term can be somewhat misleading, as it is just as often the case that it is the source of the ingredients that dictates the solution. Sometimes small components are delivered in big bags, and thus require a big bag discharge station, while sometimes major components are delivered in small bags. Moreover, in most cases, there is no reason to consider only the small components. Both big bag unloading stations and silos can usually be handled to the same way, sometimes in the same and sometimes in a separate transport system.
Tekfa has build and delivered all possible combinations and has extensive experience in designing the optimal solution. The case in the links below are a few examples.