Big Bag discharge unit

Tekfa has extensive experience in systems for emptying FIBC/Big Bags and delivered units for various industries such as the chemical industry and the food industry.

Big Bag or FIBC systems are produced either as simple standalone units or as combinations of more units. It is also possible to have a single emptying station, where the Big Bags are emptied in a conventional manner, while at the same time ordinary small bags with small components can be added directly in a single emptying funnel. This saves space and cost of a separate unit.

Big bag unloading stations are used in many different industries where the powder handling is part of the production process. 

Big Bag discharge - with transition to a pneumatic conveyor system

  • Dust tight emptying
  • Can be fitted with load cells
  • Weighing of batches directly from the Big Bag
  • Made acc. Norm prEN 1898 for FIBC equipment