Automatic mixing unit - food production

The customer had a manual milk powder mixing facility, when they turn to TEKFA for guidence.

Our customer requested an automated recombined milk facility, which had to live up to the newest EHEDG standards as well as the newest requirements for traceability on materials used in the machines as well as on the actual milk product.

TEKFA was able to deliver this using our TekfaVision system. Our equipment is connected to a database that ensures full traceability on the milk products.

Customer benefits

  • Traceability on both the milk product itself and the material in the machines
  • High sanitary production
  • Compliance with latest EHEDG standards
  • Process management and logging of production data


  • Electrical switchboard
  • Agitator
  • Bin sweeper
  • Lump crusher
  • SCADA control system - TekfaVision
  • Big bag emptying (three Big bag discharge stations)
  • Dosing with vibration feeder
  • Dosing via auger feeder